Abhishek Day Care Staff

Abhishek Day Care Clinic Specialities

“Before you worry about the beauty of your body, worry about the health of your body.”


Free Piles Clinic

The Abhishek Free Piles Clinic was started 7 years ago with a specific purpose of providing excellence in piles care to the underprivileged and un-affording! The clinic runs every Saturday between 02:00 pm – 04:00 pm and provides free consultation followed by free treatment for piles. If surgery is required, the patient only pays for material used and OT charges. Doctor’s fees are waived off. We have seen a tremendous response to this initiative and have treated more than 400 patients for free.


Medicine in Day Care

Day care units are evolving all over the world as a significant entity in reducing healthcare costs all over. We offer options for patients requiring medical and domiciliary care in the form of Intravenous Fluids, Intravenous Antibiotics, Chemotherapy, Blood Transfusions, Fluid Tapping, FNAC’s, Culture Swabs etc which would require a hospital room but is provided at a fraction of the cost of being admitted to larger hospitals. We offer day care beds for the same with our panel of medical consultants who can perform the procedures without having the need to stay overnight at the hospital thus reducing the financial burden on the patients.


Minimal Access Surgery

With the acquisition of the latest Stryker 3 Chip Camera with Xenon Light Source and High Definition (HD) Monitor, Abhishek Day Care has moved into the Minimal Access Surgery Arena with the capability to provide major Laparoscopic Surgery as a Day Care Option. Patients can be operated for Laparoscopic Appendicectomy, Gall Bladder Removal, Diagnostic Laparoscopy, Laparoscopic Varicocele Repair, Cystoscopy, Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation without the need for extended hospitalisation thus saving costs for the patient as well as early return to the comfort of their own home.



Founder President of NCTTC


Founder President IADS


Past President of NJDF