Appendix is a narrow blind tube like part & its only open end communicates with the(caecum) junction of small & large intestines.
This blind tube may get occlude due to enlarged lymphoid tissues.
Other causes of obstruction include, stool particle, tumours, parasites,low dietery roughage with high intestinal pressure may cause functional obstruction.
Appendicitis can be divided in 2 types:
Acute Appendicitis: It is the most common abdominal surgical emergency. Patient will presents with pain starts around umbilicus & after few hours to right lower side of Abdomen,vomiting,fever, loss of appetite.
Chronic Appendicitis: In this patient gives history of recurrent attacks of Acute Appendicitis, at interval of several months or more.
- Appendicular Lump: Most of the time treatment is conservative and elective surgery after 6 weeks. If the patient is not responded to conservative then surgery should be necessary.
- Appendicular abscess.
- Perforation of appendix.
- Gangrene appendix.
Chronic Appendicitis:
Well planned surgery (Appendisectomy)
Acute Appendicitis
- If there is no appendicular lump, then appendix should be removed.
- If there is appendicular lump: Immediate 1st line of treatment followed by an interval appendisectomy.
- Patient is advised to take bed-rest, nothing should be given orally, intravenous fluid administration with Antibiotics. A close watch is kept on patient, any deterioration during this period calls for immediate operation.
- Appendectomy: Emergency operation is mandatory in acute cases. In chronic cases and after resolution of appendicular lump, elective surgery is mandatory after 6 weeks.
- Laproscopic appendisectomy: It is new modality of the surgery. Surgery can be performed with small incision, postoperative pain is less. Other condition can be detected.